MAM Processes

Description of technological process Main characteristics of technological process
1. Magnetic-abrasive cleanup of edges of products before welding Thickness of a cleaned edge: 3-20 mm, productivity of cleanup: 0,2-1,5 m/min
2. Magnetic-abrasive cleanup of welding wire with ordinal winding and stacking in a cartridge Diameter of a wire: 0,5-3,0 mm, productivity of cleanup: 10-60 m/min
3. Magnetic-abrasive cleanup of edges of an enamel-covered wire Diameter of a wire: 0,1-3 mm, time of cleanup of an enamel-covered wire edge with length of a wire of 20 mm: 3-5 sec
4. Magnetic-abrasive polishing (cleanup) edges and pipes Diameter of a product: 3-14 mm, productivity of polishing: 1,0-3,6 m/min, productivity of cleanup: 3-10 m/min
5. Magnetic-abrasive polishing (cleanup) shafts Diameter of a shaft: 15-200 mm, productivity of polishing: 0,1-0,5 m/min, productivity of cleanup: 0,5-3,0 m/min
6. Magnetic-abrasive cleanup of plate non-magnetic materials Width of a product: up to 350 mm, thickness: 0,5-2,0 mm, length: not less than 170 mm, productivity: 0,5-4,0 m/min
7. Magnetic-abrasive polishing screw surfaces Diameter of a product: 10 - 150mm, module: 1-7 mm, productivity: 30-120 it./h
8. Magnetic-abrasive polishing spherical surfaces Diameter of a product: 25-300 mm, productivity: 15-90 it./h
9. Magnetic-abrasive polishing flat surfaces of details produced for optics and electronics Diameter of a product: up to 300 mm, Ra: from 200 nm to 0,8-5 nm